So I thought up another bag design this week to finish up the leftover denim I had from last week's bag.
I was hoping to get this neat 2/3 hexagon pattern on the front of the bag with 5 triangles sewn together.
In the end though it did not quite work out the way I wanted. I pieced the front panels together three times trying to get the points to match up, but I finally had to concede defeat, it was really not going to work with the jean fabric. It was just too thick to sew over at the joining point in the middle.
This idea needs some more work.
So I still wanted to finish the bag despite the difficulties I had with the design so I added a button from my stash to cover up the less than awesome points of the triangles.
This bag let me experiment with making my own strap which was also a trial. Pulling jean fabric though a thin tube with interfaced cotton was really difficult and time consuming. It turned out pretty good in the end though. Amazing what an iron will do for you. :)
I don't think I have even used my iron so much as when making these bags. Everything needs to be ironed to keep the seams flat so they are crisp and easy to sew through with the sewing machine.
I have realized that I really need to make myself some pressing tools such as a tailor's ham so I can iron corners and small tubes without creating even more creases.
I used some of the quilting cotton I bought a while ago off a website. It came from one of the only internet fabric shops I have been able to find that sells dress fabric that is based in Canada. There are a few quilting shops, but all their fabric is super expensive and not really the fabric types and weights I want.
I am really enjoying being able to use some of the cottons I have been hording in my fabric stash. I bought this cotton imagining a really cool geometric 60s dress but when I got the fabric I realized that in large amounts this fabric is a bit hypnotic and really should not be used in greater quantities.
Lucky for me it was perfect for my geometric bag.

After sewing on the button, I added a small snap to keep the bag closed and it was finished.
Timewise this bag took about a day from pattern creation to finishing up with the sewing on of the snap and button. I think it totaled about 8 hours of work.
If I had not fiddled with the annoying triangles it probably would have been done in half the time which gives me hope if I ever want to make another.
Sadly this marks the end of my denim stash so i am really hoping our local thrift store has a good sale on Tuesday so i can buy some cheap pants so I can continue to make these bags.
I also have my eye on some absolutely beautiful East Indian clothing that was for sale at the thrift store. They are in gorgeous colours and the embroidery and bead work need to be put on skirts or something. Can't wait until Tuesday!
Random Rupert
When it stops raining in Prince Rupert everyone gets out of the house. Hugh and I went for a walk down by the pond and on the way we went by this cute MG. Prince Rupert has quite a collection of neat cars which always seem to come out of hiding in spring.
This is another of my favorite vehicles that has been parked in front of our apartment building for while. Check out the all metal bumper! I can totally see myself driving this truck pulling a horse trailer. It does have a little bit of rust but for a old vehicle in Prince Rupert it is in pretty good shape.