Really I have not been feeling super creative lately and as a result have not done a whole lot of sewing. I have been assembling some materials for a bunch of future projects.

I also picked up some bar towels this weekend which I sewed into some cute tea towels. I got the idea from this website and I thought they would be really fun to make.
Are these not cool?
I am pretty chuffed with how well they turned out. And the star at the top is my first foray into applique work. Go zigzag stitch again. I think I may even have the tension thing finally worked out on the sewing machine.
I have been checking out the thrift stores again and I have a bunch of vintage buttons which I want to use so these babies will hang off the oven instead of always being all bunched up and messy looking.
Random Rupert
Recently we were invited for an afternoon out of Rupert by some friends of ours. We went to Port Edward, Rainbow Lake and drove all the way out to the Skeena river.I also thought the white moss that grew on the trees was pretty neat too.
On a random side note, who decided it was a good idea to lock the public washrooms on a major highway during winter is pretty dumb. The rest stop we stopped at before turning around back to Prince Rupert has their drop in the hole toilet locked down for the winter. People who i am assuming, just could not wait had instead been going to the washroom around the side of the building instead. That is really nasty. People need rest stops no matter what time of year it is. Locking them seems kind of stupid.